Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blog Search

I was looking around at different blogs the other day and ran across this one. This particular blog has a lot of cool pics that are rather amazing.
Check it out!

oh, it's all in another language, but you can still look at the pics.


TRC Rockers said...

Looks like a great place to take pictures!!! Stunning!

Faith Maria Lopez said...

I know! Isn't this weird?? I mean it's real but it's almost fantasy reality. I could imagine taking pictures there and it being really cool.

Janell said...

Super cool!!!!!!!
And really nice blog, Maria! I finally ran across your blog again from someone elses since I lost the original address. Good to read the stuff here! And beautiful pics! =)
I really like the one at the very top.
Congrats on being an aunt again! ;)

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Janelle!!! Glad to see you in the blog world again...hehe
Thanks for the kind comments, and the pic at the top is one of my favorite. It's looks sooo cool....hehee
I'm proud to be an aunt again to a little girl! I can't wait!