Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Wow what an amazing conference PEAK was! I had the most fun with friends and of course God moved in so many powerful ways I can't even begin to tell you everything that happened. All I can say is that God definitely changed my life this past week.

Here are some of the few pics I took while there. This is all from the last night, I forgot to charge my camera...again...so here they are!
~Brad and I before service~
~ I tried going to P.F Changs with the girls from Canada cause I didn't want to be a bus kid anymore so we all squeezed into someones car and Sarah was lying across everyone for the very unfruitful ride. Thanks girls for taking me with you!!!~
~Chantelle and Me~

~Gentry didn't want to take a picture...~
~Me and Jared~
~Me and Sheramy~
~Most of us girls~
~Me and Beau D.~
~Me and Pauline~
~Oh and we can't forget Dusty....~


Sheramy said...

Maria.... i am so glad that we got to hang out at PEAK!! It was such an awesome conference and i hope i get to go back next year! Can't wait to see you again! Hopefully soon! Have fun on your trip thats coming up! Make sure you post some pictures and tell us all about it!! lots of love! oh and by the way! I had to deal with screaming kids on all of my flights! It was a little reminder to myself never to take my kids on an airplane or just make sure i give them some sleeping medicine before the flight!!! lol...jk!!!

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Sheramy!!! I had a wonderful time at PEAK, especially when I talked with you to the wee hours of the morning...hehe. I definitely want to do some mid-state traveling to visit all my friends so hopefully I will see you soon. Make sure to try and make it to our Oct 19th recording. Either way I'll see you soon.

About the kid thing...yeah the lady behind me thought I was his mother and said I deserved a medal of honor when she found out I wasn't his mom!

V said...

Mariiaaa! That was right in your ear by the way! hee hee. Thanks for hanging with us even though everything was closed and all that was open was sonic!!
Miss ya but I'll see you soon!
Mucho amor to thee!

Bekki said...

Maria! I am so glad that Sheramy posted your blog =0) It was great to meet you at PEAK, I had a lot of fun! Hope to see ya soon!

Beau D said...

Hey girl, it was great to see you @ PEAK!! What a crazy time!! Keep up the phenomenal annointed singing!!!

Faith Maria Lopez said...

BEAU D.!!!! how nice it is to hear from you. I had a great time and I'm planning on going next year. Hopefully I'll see you guys sooner than next year.
Don't forget you're super awesome!!

Pauly-Bee-PO-Pal said...

Faith!!! lol! jk!!! you need to send me those pics!!! miss ya!

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Pauline!!! Hey you can just drag them onto your desktop and I don't even have to send them to you! :-)

Pauly-Bee-PO-Pal said...

wonderful!!! =) thank you doll!