Thursday, July 17, 2008

My First Car...

Does everyone remember my first car? It was a 1969 VW Bug. I had it for a while then it got squashed from a car accident :( My poor buggy. I miss it a lot it was a great car. Except sometimes I would go outside at the old church parking lot and my car wouldn't be in the spot I parked it....WHO KEPT MOVING IT!?!?!!? hahaha well the mystery still stands.

While everyone else wants Mercedes, Cadillac's, Acura's and BMW's....this is my dream car, vintage '69 VW...What's yours?


Beth said...

Anything SMALL...after driving BIG cars for years! :o)

Faith Maria Lopez said...


I agree! I love my small little Honda. It's great on gas and gets me from place to place and I don't know what I would do without it!

James Wilder said...

The car I drove on our honeymoon/wedding night: 911 Porsche Carerra, latest model I can find! :)

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Oh you should come over and take a look at the car collection in my garage...there's a Porsche in there, actually there's two.

Anna said...

There are two cars or rather trucks that I would love to own one day. The first is a Mercedes G500 and the second is a Hummer H1 (the kind that look like old army cars). *Sigh* One day

Anonymous said...

If you drove it on your Honeymoon in Kauai, it was wasted since you can't really go more than 45 and usually 25 with all the turns in the roads there. But you got to drive a 911..sweet.

skylerizm's said...

lamborgni reventon thats mine. your favrite brother in the whole world.