Thursday, July 10, 2008


~This is one of my favorite songs~


Christy said...

Dude, I listened to this and the video didn't play and all I could hear was the music...... I thought it was just an instrumental. Then James played it on his computer and it worked fine! Super weird!

Sheramy said...

Hey Girl, got your comment on my page...yes it was fun on tour this year! And YES i am going to PEAK!!! Are you?!?! I hope soo...its going to be so much fun!!!!

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Hey Sheramy!!!! Yes I'm going to PEAK! I'm doing a little bit with the music this year and I'm super excited! I can't wait to see everyone again and meet new faces. I'm happy that your going too. Is you youth group going or is it just you?

Faith Maria Lopez said...


That is weird! hmm... maybe you need to update your you-tube viewing system.

Christy said...

Maybe I need to make another appointment with Maria-Apple-Lopez-One-to-One. Hint, hint. lol

Faith Maria Lopez said...

hahaha, I'm sure I'll help a lot! considering I just erased all of sammy felt's music on her ipod!! I don't know what happened. well I know I wasn't paying attention! hahaa just like me to do that...

Christy said...

Oh man!....umm...ok, maybe I DON'T need to schedule another appointment. lol. I DO want some of your music though. :)