Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Monday!!!

So it's Monday and you're wondering "What am I doing?" or "I can't wait till Friday!" is some time wasters for you! Enjoy!

Mp3: Experiment Four

Grand Central Station



Suicide Jumper


Christy said...

I love Improv Everywhere! They do the most random things! Very entertaining!

TRC Rockers said...

Suicide jumper was the best! Isabelle wanted to watch and I wa like no this could be scary and then I see the ledge! LOL

Faith Maria Lopez said...

Yeah I love that one too. Gets me every time. Just another random thing I like to waste time with...hehe.

Jessica said...

I like the grand central station one. I saw it be4 and thought it was pretty cool

LeNai said...

that was tooo funny!!!!! i luv those ppl they are soo funny!!! ne ways great videos!!!